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Finding the right size bike for your kid is

crucial. A poorly fitting bike can lead to pain whilst riding, ultimately making cycling a horrible experience

for any youngster.

Getting to grips with and learning to cycle is hard enough, so a properly sized bike will allow them to

focus on developing their cycling skills whilst enjoying their time on two wheels.

Fortunately, I’ve put together this kids bike size guide so that you can quickly determine what size bike

your child requires.

Keep reading, and you’ll learn precisely how to choose the right size bike for a child, along with many

other helpful bike sizing tips.

The age at which a child can start riding a bike varies. Some children develop their balancing skills

sooner than others, but the sooner your child starts learning to ride a bike, the sooner they’ll master the

skills needed to cycle without support.

On average, children between the ages of 3 and 8 can start riding a bike. As they spend more time on two

wheels, they’ll become more confident, eventually being able to cycle without stabilisers or other support.

Note that the 3-8 age range is average. However, some children may take to two wheels before the age of

three, and some may require a little longer to build the confidence to try cycling.

If your child wants to start cycling at an earlier age, a balance bike can be a great way to build

confidence for children as young as 18 months!

Otherwise, if your child is ready to ride a pedal bike, they may benefit from using training wheels

(stabilisers) to help them balance.

Now that we’ve covered the best age to start cycling let’s look at how to properly measure kids bike


If your child needs a new bike, you’ll need to measure their inseam and height to determine the best size

bike for them.

Age can also be used to find a kids bike size, but this is a less accurate sizing method.

Unlike adult bikes, kids bikes are measured by the wheel size, not the frame size, don’t get the two mixed

up, or you’ll end up with the wrong size bike!

Just before we get into the nitty-gritty, I wanted to let you know two essential rules when choosing a bike

size for a child:
A kid’s inseam measurement is the length of their inside leg, from the top of their crotch to the ground.

The inseam measurement determines how tall a bike needs to be for a rider to touch the ground with

their feet whilst sitting on the bike seat.

The short steps below will talk you through the most accurate way to measure a child’s inseam for a

Have the child stand with their shoes on and back to a wall, feet shoulder-width apart.

Take a sturdy book and place the book as high as comfortable possible between their legs, with the book

’s spine pressed flat against the wall.

Whilst holding the book firmly in place, ask the kid to step away from the wall.

Using a measuring tape, measure the distance between the top of the book and the ground.

This length is your inseam. Take note of it to avoid having to remeasure.

Commonly used commercial gym equipment

These days, being physically fit entitles you to feel proud of yourself for being healthy and impenetrable

to any illness. Working out with commercial gym equipment is one good way to maintain overall body health

as exercise has been scientifically proven for its health and psychological benefits.

A spacious area equipped with complete commercial gym equipment and continuous support from expert

trainers, exercising in commercial fitness centers

will surely help you achieve the body you’ve been hoping for —toned muscles, six-pack abs, and enhanced

power, stamina, and endurance.

Each person has a definite reason why he or she works out in a gym. It’s really up to you to decide on the

specific muscle groups in your body that you want to target for your exercise.

For your guide, here is the most commonly used commercial gym equipment that you can choose from in case

you want to enroll in a commercial gym membership:

1. Training bench

A basic but multi-purpose training bench is a must-have in your gym. Definitely suitable for beginners, the

training bench is a diverse piece of equipment that serves its purpose for seniors and young athletes as well.

It is used for performing weight training exercises or even sit-ups.

2. Dumbbell set

Also an important necessity for beginners, young athletes, and seniors. The dumbbell set should range from

light to heavy in order to accommodate everyone. Dumbbells come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and materials

these days, from plastic-coated to colorful to straight-up metal, so take your pick. Get a set with a rack and

save time and space, too.

3. Treadmill

Treadmill is one of the widely popular commercial gym equipment. This equipment offers a great warm-up

exercise before you indulge yourself in hardcore, and more muscle and bone-stressing exercise machine. If you

just want to shed off some weight and burn extra calories, this gym equipment will do the trick.

4. Stationary Bikes

This is a good alternative for outdoor biking. Burning your calories and getting an overall workout, you

can have it all when you use this commercial gym equipment. Not only is it safe because you get to exercise

indoors, but stationary bikes are relatively easy to operate.

5. Free weights

Barbells and kettleballs are some of the examples. This commercial gym equipment enables you to do full

range of motion exercise while utilizing your upper muscles.

6. Rowing Machines

This gym equipment enhances your flexibility and versatility. Since it utilizes both the upper (when you

glide and pull the machine) and lower (the rower itself) muscles, this commercial gym equipment delivers an

overall body workout.
